VolStar is the complete tracking system to manage hundreds or thousands of volunteers for major special events.
Planning a major event that involves hundreds - or thousands - of volunteers is no easy task. You want to get the best use of your valued volunteers, and make sure important details don't slip through the cracks. VolStar helps you cover all the bases! VolStar is the software solution for sporting, cultural, or other events that involve 500 or more volunteers. VolStar simplifies the planning and paperwork, so you can help your event managers and volunteers perform at their best!
Call or email today for a free demonstration CD ROM and manual! The demonstration is only limited in the number of volunteers you can enter.
Easy to learn - easy to use!
VolStar software is designed specifically to monitor the volunteer needs and activities of various committees involved in staging large-scale events. You can forget the work and frustration of trying to make a general purpose database program perform this function!
Keyboard shortcut features save you the task of re-entering repetitive data. Data entered on one screen is automatically transferred to other relevant screens.
Look who's using VolStar
What VolStar does...
Sample Forms
Sample Web Form
Customizing available. We can customize VolStar to match your requirements. Need different mailing labels or ID tags than those available? Need some different reports or added data to be captured? Contact us for a free quote.
Volunteer software list of lists and Resources VolStar not what you're looking for? You have volunteers active throughout the year? You run a centre matching volunteers with requests?
VolStar comes with a complete money back guarantee!
Granite Consulting
401 11215 Jasper Ave
Edmonton. Alberta
T5K 0L5
Phone 206 792 9794
VolStar is a trademark of Granite Consulting
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